Our Lady's Ministry

About OLM


Our Lady’s Ministry began over 30 years ago when two cousins, Carlos Lopez Valencia & Jorge Zavala, decided to follow the inspiration they felt in their hearts and started a weekly prayer group called, “Our Lady’s Prayer Group,” in their home. As the prayer group continued to grow, it was moved to a local church in the San Francisco, California Bay Area – St. Bruno’s Church, by the invitation of the former pastor Fr. Ronald Burke.

Carlos and Jorge meeting with His Holiness John Paul II


In 1995 Our Lady’s Ministry was launched and began to take individuals on pilgrimages to many well-known and revered religious shrines throughout the world. By the early 2000s after years of discerning the call in their hearts to do more for our poor brothers and sisters, Carlos and Jorge began the organization’s hallmark mission trips to impoverished poor areas throughout the world, as a response to Our Lord’s call in Holy Scripture.

Carlos presenting His Holiness with a letter from OLM

Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?... Whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.


Our Lady’s Ministry continues to hold its weekly prayer group. Mission trips consist of bringing spiritual and material assistance to the poor, the orphaned, the malnourished and handicapped children, and the abandoned elderly. Countries that have suffered natural disasters, those incarcerated, and seminarians and institutions that are in most need are also helped.
Jorge kissing the Holy Father's Ring
Mission trips begin with an invitation from a clergy member requesting support of material and financial assistance for their diocese. The people under the clergy member’s responsibility are typically living in extreme poverty or have recently experienced a severe natural disaster. Our Lady’s Ministry members who attend these mission trips pay their way. Typically five to nine members travel on 8 to 10 trips per year. Private benefactors support Our Lady’s Ministry financially, materially, or by offering their voluntary help.
Carlos receives the papal blessing on behalf of Our Lady's Ministry


Our Lady’s Ministry and its lay missionaries evangelize through the Word of God and carry out the teachings, doctrines, and works of charity that conform with the Catholic Church. Our Lady’s Ministry has had the privilege and honor to have been received and invited by Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests throughout the world.

A church built in Ghana, Africa, with the help of donations from Our Lady's Ministry.
A church built in Ghana, Africa, with the help of donations from Our Lady's Ministry.

Countries Visited

Workers wearing masks distribute aid in a remote area, highlighting efforts to provide essential supplies during the pandemic.


Ghana and Uganda

A humanitarian worker assists a mother and her child in registering for aid, amidst a crowd of people seeking assistance.


USA, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, and Brazil

A group of people carrying their belongings walk along a brick road, reflecting the hardship and resilience of displaced communities.


The Philippines and Thailand

People stand in line, waiting to receive aid or services, highlighting the challenges faced by vulnerable communities.



Make A Difference With Us

With your support and prayers, we will be able to continue to carry out the corporal works of mercy giving glory to God through His most needy children.

Click “Learn More” to see how you can make a difference with us.

We ourselves feel that we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the Ocean would be less because of that missing drop.