Our Lady's Ministry


A Beacon of Hope Amidst Desperation: Our Lady’s Ministry in Costa Rica

A dilapidated shack made of rusted corrugated metal and wooden planks, surrounded by lush green vegetation.

In 2002, Our Lady’s Ministry (OLM) embarked on a mission trip to Costa Rica, where they joined forces with Fr. Sergio Valverde, a dedicated priest who has committed his life to transforming the lives of impoverished communities. Bryand, a member and volunteer of OLM, shares a harrowing yet hopeful story from this mission trip that underscores both the grave humanitarian crises and the transformative impact of their work.

The Stark Reality

The community in Truguros is marked by extreme poverty and rampant crime. “In this area, the police will not enter because they would be killed,” Bryand recounts. The residents, many of whom are drug addicts, alcoholics, or involved in prostitution, live in makeshift homes devoid of basic amenities such as running water and adequate sanitation. “It was awful the conditions these poor people lived in,” he describes.

Fr. Sergio, who was born and raised in Truguros but managed to escape its grim clutches through education and hard work, has since returned to help his community. His primary focus is the children, many of whom are victims of severe neglect and abuse.

A Moment of Realization

During their tour of the area with Fr. Sergio, Bryand experienced both the peril and poignancy of their mission firsthand. As they walked through the community, locals initially attacked them by throwing rocks and objects. However, upon recognizing Fr. Sergio’s voice, they ceased their aggression and allowed the team to continue their work.

The volunteers then visited a hall where children could shower, change into clean clothes, and attend school. For many of these children, attending school meant receiving a meal—their only meal for the day. It was here that Bryand encountered a heart-wrenching episode that shed light on the desperate need for love and attention among these children.

“A little 2-year-old girl came up to me and put her arms up for me to pick her up,” Bryand recalls. “I lifted the little girl who hugged me so tight as if she had been waiting to see me for a long time.” However, this innocent act triggered an unexpected reaction from the other children in the hall: they began attacking the little girl out of sheer jealousy.

“These poor little kids only know pain, suffering, abuse both physical and sexual.” Fr. Sergio explained that witnessing an act of love towards one child ignited a wave of jealousy among others who were starved for affection themselves.

Seeds of Change

Despite these heart-wrenching realities, there is hope. With support from organizations like Our Lady’s Ministry, Fr. Sergio continues to build resources to aid these children. OLM’s donation of eight computers will help Fr. Sergio secure additional funds and extend his reach within the community.

“Because of you and OLM donating the 8 computers I requested I will now be able to begin to help get the funds I need and reach out and help as many children as I can,” Fr. Sergio said gratefully.

Today, Fr. Sergio Valverde’s association, Obras del Espiritu Santo, or the Works of the Holy Spirit, is the largest non-profit organization in Costa Rica, helping the poorest of the poor and feeding over 150,000 children a month alone. Since 2002 they have blossomed into a daycare center, an after-school center, an educational/learning center, an emergency shelter for women and the elderly and children victimized by abuse, a center for medical and legal help, a pharmacy, a restaurant, and a store where the proceeds help fund these endeavors. Our Lady’s Ministry is proud to have provided Fr. Sergio with the tools he needed to make his vision a reality.

Moving Forward

This mission trip serves as a powerful reminder of both the challenges and possibilities inherent in humanitarian work. By providing resources and support, Our Lady’s Ministry is not just offering immediate relief but also planting seeds for long-term change. The dedication shown by volunteers like Bryand and leaders like Fr. Sergio is proof that even in places where hope seems scarce, compassion can pave the way for transformation.

As we continue our efforts around the world, stories like these fuel our commitment to making a difference—one child at a time.

For more information on how you can support Our Lady’s Ministry or join us on future mission trips, please visit our website or contact us directly. Together, we can make a world of difference.

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